Groc UJI

led by passionate experts

Science Research for the future

The GROC is engaged in basic and applied photonics research leading to technological breakthroughs in the fields of computational optics and ultrafast science.


about GROC

We Are The Photonics Research Group at University Jaume I

The Photonics Research Group at Universitat Jaume I (Grup d’Investigació d’Òptica de Castelló, GROC·UJI) is constituted by 8 permanent researchers, 1 postdoctoral researcher, and 6 PhD students. It is engaged in basic and applied photonics research leading to technological breakthroughs in the fields of computational optics and ultrafast science. The group’s mission starts with the development of the next-generation of computational systems based on megapixel spatial light modulators for digital control of light beams. The application of these systems to shape spatial and temporally incoherent and coherent continuous and pulsed light sources is aimed to overcome the limitations of current photonics technologies. Specifically, towards the improvement of applications in consumer electronics, microscopy, scientific imaging, health, laser manufacturing, nanotechnology, optical sensors, and energy efficiency. 

Lab Specialists

We are experts in optical and photonic systems as well as artificial structures for spatial and temporal control of light beams and acoustic waves.

Research Center

Our labs are fully equipped to develop research and applications on imaging, laser beam shaping, laser synthesis of nanomaterials, optical frequency comb interferometry, and phononics.


Explore Our Research Lines

Developing the next-generation of computational systems based on megapixel spatial light modulators for digital control of light beams.

Laser synthesis of nano materials

One of the main challenges of nanotechnology is the development of chemical substances that support a toxic-free environment and are not harmful to people.

Computational Imaging

Computational imaging involves the combined design of optical hardware, electronics, and computer algorithms to create novel imaging systems with unprecedent capabilities.

Complex beam shaping

In the scalar theory of light, the optical behavior of laser beams can be predicted from prior knowledge of two intrinsic parameters, the amplitude and the wavefront (phase) associated with the electric field.

Optical frequency comb interferometry

From the beginning of the century, the generation of optical frequency combs has become a milestone in the field of laser technology. A frequency comb is an optical spectrum composed of evenly spaced coherent lines.


The control of the energy carried out by acoustic and electromagnetic waves is a challenging problem with a countless number of applications, from imaging to energy harvesting.


You can also read about our other publications like papers, doctoral thesis, patents or conference publications.

Laser synthesis of nano materials

One of the main challenges of nanotechnology is the development of chemical substances that support a toxic-free environment and are not harmful to people.

Computational Imaging

Computational imaging involves the combined design of optical hardware, electronics, and computer algorithms to create novel imaging systems with unprecedent capabilities.

Complex beam shaping

In the scalar theory of light, the optical behavior of laser beams can be predicted from prior knowledge of two intrinsic parameters, the amplitude and the wavefront (phase) associated with the electric field.

Optical frequency comb interferometry

From the beginning of the century, the generation of optical frequency combs has become a milestone in the field of laser technology. A frequency comb is an optical spectrum composed of evenly spaced coherent lines.


The control of the energy carried out by acoustic and electromagnetic waves is a challenging problem with a countless number of applications, from imaging to energy harvesting.


You can also read about our other publications like papers, doctoral thesis, patents or conference publications.

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